Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Helping Out a Fellow Bronco Family Member

Hey My Bronco Peeps, I know it's been a minute since I have posted, I have been really sick.. I am asking for your help. One of our Bronco Family Members needs our help. He has been an inspiration to me in my healing and nothing but a positive person. I know many of us are going through difficult times but he would give the shirt off of his back if he could. Anything would help. I am posting his GoFundMe link here, all I ask any thing would help, $5, $10, $15 . . . I have struggled the last 2 1/2 years after my accident and there are few people who have stood by my side, C.J. is one of them. He always has positive feedback for me, NEVER negative and he is ALWAYS willing to help out anyone who needs help. So please lets do the same for him. Thank you in advance <3

Getting on My Feet



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